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API (Application Programming Interface)

A set of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate and interact with each other.
Computer Science

Agile Software Development

An iterative and incremental software development approach that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer feedback.
Software Engineering


An algorithm is a precise set of instructions that replicates real-world scenarios. It powers immersive experiences, simulating physics, behaviors, and interactions, enabling accurate and impactful virtual simulations.

Algorithm Optimization

Improving the performance and efficiency of simulation algorithms. It includes identifying and eliminating bottlenecks, reducing computational complexity, and refining data structures.
Software Engineering

Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI)

Numerical method used to solve time-dependent partial differential equations. It divides the problem into smaller sub-problems that are solved alternately in different directions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The simulation of human intelligence in computers to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.
Computer Science

Asymptotic Analysis

Assesses algorithm efficiency for large input sizes. It analyzes how algorithms perform as inputs approach infinity. It helps identify time and space complexities, enabling developers to optimize simulations and choose algorithms that scale well, ensuring high-performance simulations with larger datasets
Software Engineering

Big Data

Large volumes of data that are too complex or extensive for traditional data processing methods.
Computer Science

Boundary Conditions

The specifications or constraints imposed on a mathematical model or simulation at its boundaries. They define the behavior of the system at its boundaries, often in terms of values, gradients, or other parameters. Boundary conditions are crucial in simulations to ensure accurate representation and interaction with the surrounding environment.

Bubble Point

The pressure at which a liquid begins to vaporize and form bubbles. It is the equilibrium point where the vapor pressure of the liquid becomes equal to the external pressure. In this state, the liquid and vapor phases coexist.

CPU Cycles

Number of clock cycles or processing steps a Central Processing Unit (CPU) executes to complete a single instruction or operation. It represents the fundamental unit of computation in a CPU. Optimizing CPU cycles is essential to improve the performance and efficiency of computer systems and software applications, making them execute tasks faster and consume less power.


Optimize data access patterns to take advantage of CPU caches, reducing the time spent waiting for data to be fetched from main memory.
Software Engineering

Claude-Louis Navier

French engineer and physicist known for his pioneering work in fluid mechanics and structural analysis. He made significant contributions to the study of fluid flow, developing the Navier-Stokes equations to describe viscous fluid motion.

Cloud Computing

The delivery of computing services over the internet, including storage, databases, and software, on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Computer Science

Code Refactoring

The practice of restructuring simulation software code to enhance performance, maintainability, and readability. It involves making internal improvements without changing the simulation's behavior. Code refactoring reduces complexities, optimizes algorithms, and ensures efficient simulation execution, improving overall simulation capabilities and development processes.
Software Engineering

Code Review

The process of systematically examining and evaluating software code to ensure its quality and adherence to coding standards.
Software Engineering


A software tool that translates high-level programming code into machine code or bytecode.
Computer Science

Compiler Optimization

Enable compiler optimizations to generate more efficient machine code. Choose appropriate compiler flags and settings for your specific application.
Software Engineering

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Analyzes fluid flow behavior using numerical algorithms and mathematical equations. CFD predicts fluid properties like velocity, pressure, and temperature, aiding design optimizations, aerodynamics, and heat transfer studies in various industries, from Energy to automotive engineering.

Computational Models

Creating virtual representations of real-world systems and phenomena. It involves using algorithms and mathematical equations to simulate complex interactions, enabling the analysis of intricate data and the prediction of outcomes.

Computational Power

Ability of a computer or computing system to perform complex calculations and process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. It is determined by factors such as the processor speed, memory capacity, and parallel processing capabilities. Higher computational power enables faster and more sophisticated simulations, data analysis, and scientific computations.
Computer Science

Conditional Statement

Programming construct that allows the program to make decisions based on certain conditions.
Computer Science

Conservation of Momentum

Fundamental principle in physics stating that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant unless acted upon by external forces. In a closed system, the initial momentum before an event is equal to the final momentum after the event, ensuring the preservation of momentum during interactions and collisions.

Continuous Integration (CI)

The practice of frequently integrating code changes into a shared repository and automatically running tests to identify integration issues early.
Software Engineering

Continuous Simulation

Models systems with continuous changes over time, such as physical processes like fluid flow or chemical reactions.

D. Brian Spalding

British chemical engineer and mathematician. He was a key figure in the development of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and pioneered the "finite volume method." His contributions significantly advanced CFD techniques, making them crucial in simulating fluid flow and heat transfer in engineering and scientific applications.

Data Structure

A way of organizing and storing data in a computer to enable efficient access and modification.
Computer Science


A structured collection of data organized and accessible in a way that allows efficient retrieval and modification.
Computer Science


The process of identifying and fixing errors or bugs in software.
Computer Science


The process of releasing the software for installation and use by end-users.
Software Engineering


The process of creating an architectural blueprint and detailed specifications for a software system based on the requirements.
Software Engineering

Difference Equation Models

Mathematical representations used to describe the behavior of dynamic systems. They express how a system's variables change over discrete time intervals based on their current values and past inputs. Difference equations are essential in discrete-time dynamic simulations and offer insights into system evolution and stability.

Digital Twin

Virtual replica of a physical object, system, or process. It uses real-time data and computational models to mimic the behavior and performance of its real-world counterpart. Digital twins enable in-depth analysis, predictive maintenance, and optimization, revolutionizing industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and urban planning.

Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)

Computational technique used in fluid dynamics to simulate the exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. It resolves all scales of turbulence without modeling, making it highly accurate but computationally expensive. DNS provides detailed information on fluid behavior and is valuable for understanding fundamental fluid flow phenomena.

Discrete Event Simulation (DES)

Type of simulation where events occur at specific points in time, and the simulation progresses in discrete steps. It is suitable for modeling systems with discrete changes and events, such as queuing systems or manufacturing processes.

Discrete-time iterative framework

Computational approach where calculations are performed at discrete time intervals in a repetitive manner. It involves updating system states or variables based on previous values and input data at each time step. This iterative process continues until a desired solution or convergence is achieved, making it valuable in various dynamic simulations and numerical methods.


Process of dividing a continuous domain or data into discrete intervals or elements. It involves converting continuous values into discrete ones to make them suitable for computational analysis or numerical simulations.

Distributed Computing

Involves utilizing multiple interconnected computers to collaboratively solve complex simulations. It divides tasks into smaller parts, distributing them across the network for simultaneous processing. Distributed computing enhances simulation scalability, accelerates computation, and enables handling extensive datasets, contributing to more comprehensive and precise simulations.
Software Engineering

Distribution of Forces

How external forces are spread or applied across a system or structure. In various physical systems, such as bridges, buildings, or mechanical components, forces can be distributed unevenly, leading to stress concentrations and potential failure points. Understanding the distribution of forces is crucial for designing and analyzing structures to ensure they can withstand the applied loads safely and efficiently.


Comprehensive written materials that describe the software system, including design, usage, and troubleshooting information.
Software Engineering


In the context of fluid dynamics, are swirling, rotating, or circulating regions of fluid flow. They are caused by turbulent motion and the interaction of fluid layers with different velocities and directions. Eddies can vary in size and shape and play a crucial role in heat and mass transfer, mixing, and the overall dynamics of fluid systems.

Efficient Libraries

Utilization of optimized and efficient libraries for common tasks and operations. Many libraries are specifically designed for performance-critical applications.
Software Engineering


The process of converting data into a code to protect it from unauthorized access.
Computer Science

Energy Cascade

A fundamental concept in turbulence theory. It describes the transfer of energy from large-scale turbulent eddies to smaller and smaller scales through a series of interactions. As energy moves to smaller scales, it dissipates into heat, shaping the turbulent flow and impacting various fluid dynamics phenomena.

Finite Difference Technique (FDM)

Numerical method used to approximate solutions to differential equations by discretizing the domain into finite intervals. It replaces derivatives with finite difference approximations, allowing for iterative computation. This technique is widely used in various fields, such as computational physics, engineering, and simulation modeling.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Simulation technique in the simulation sector. It uses numerical methods to break down complex structures into smaller, solvable elements. By applying physics-based equations, FEA predicts how these elements interact under various conditions, providing insights into stress, deformation, and performance of real-world systems and designs.

Finite Element Model (FEM)

Numerical simulation technique used in engineering and physics to analyze complex structures and systems. It divides the domain into smaller finite elements, approximating their behavior using mathematical equations. FEM is widely applied to study stress analysis, fluid flow, heat transfer, and other phenomena in diverse industries.

Finite Volume Model (FVM)

Numerical technique used in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to solve partial differential equations. It discretizes the computational domain into small control volumes, and conservation laws are applied to these volumes to simulate fluid flow, heat transfer, and other phenomena

Frames per Second (FPS)

A measure used to describe the rate at which consecutive images, known as frames, are displayed in a video or animation. It indicates how many individual frames are shown in one second of time. Higher FPS values result in smoother and more fluid motion, while lower FPS values can lead to choppier or less smooth animations.
Computer Science


A block of code that performs a specific task or action and can be called from other parts of the program.
Computer Science

GPU Acceleration

Leveraging Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to boost simulation performance. GPUs are specialized hardware designed for parallel processing, enabling simulations to perform complex calculations simultaneously. By offloading computational tasks to GPUs, simulations can achieve significantly faster execution times and handle larger datasets more efficiently.
Software Engineering

Gas Expansion

The process in which a gas occupies a larger volume due to an increase in temperature, decrease in pressure, or both. When a gas expands, its particles move apart, leading to an increase in the overall volume of the gas.

Gas Flash Out

Also known as vaporization or boiling, occurs when a liquid undergoes a rapid transition into a gas phase due to a decrease in pressure or an increase in temperature. This phenomenon is observed when a liquid reaches its bubble point, and bubbles of gas form within the liquid.

Gas Migration

The movement or migration of gas within subsurface formations. It can occur due to various factors, such as changes in pressure, temperature, or geological conditions.

Gauss Elimination

Numerical method used to solve systems of linear equations. It systematically transforms the system into an upper triangular form by eliminating variables, and then back-substitutes to find the solutions.

High-Fidelity Simulation

Detailed and accurate representations of system components and behaviors, often used for critical applications or where precision is essential.


Branch of engineering dealing with fluid behavior and its mechanical properties, particularly in liquid form. It involves the study of fluid flow, pressure, and energy transmission.

Hydrostatic Pressure

The pressure exerted by a fluid at rest due to its weight and gravity. It increases with depth in a fluid column and is directly proportional to the fluid's density. Hydrostatic pressure is vital in understanding fluid behavior in various applications, including hydrodynamics and hydraulic systems.

Ian G. MacCormack and Anthony E. H. McDonald

Known for their significant contributions to the development of the Finite Volume Method (FVM) in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In 1979, they proposed the MacCormack method, an extension of the Lax-Wendroff method, which improved the accuracy and stability of FVM for simulating fluid flow and solving partial differential equations.


The actual coding and development of the software based on the design specifications.
Software Engineering


Angle or tilt of an object or surface relative to a reference plane or axis. It is commonly used in various fields, including engineering, astronomy, and geology, to describe the slope or orientation of surfaces, orbits, and geological strata, providing critical information for analysis and design purposes.

Incomplete LU Decomposition

Variant of LU Decomposition used to approximate sparse matrices. It factors the matrix into two triangular matrices, L and U, with lower memory requirements by neglecting small entries.


Property of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. It is a fundamental concept in physics and is described by Newton's first law of motion. An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force.

Inertial Forces

Forces that result from an object's mass and acceleration, resisting changes in its motion (F = ma). They play a vital role in the dynamics of moving objects, such as vehicles and particles in fluid flow.

Integration Testing

The testing of interactions and data exchange between different units or components of software.
Software Engineering


The ability of simulation software to communicate and exchange data with other software systems, facilitating integration with other tools and data sources.

Interpolation Schemes

Mathematical techniques used to estimate values between known data points. They fill in the gaps or provide continuous approximations, enabling the smooth representation of data.


A program that directly executes source code, translating and executing one line at a time.
Computer Science

Issac Newton

English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer. He is considered one of the greatest scientists in history, known for his groundbreaking contributions to physics and mathematics. Newton formulated the three laws of motion, developed the law of universal gravitation, and made significant advancements in calculus.

Iterative Process

Repetitive computational procedure in which a sequence of steps or operations is performed, and the results are used as inputs for the next iteration. It aims to converge towards a desired solution or outcome through successive refinements or updates. Iterative processes are commonly used in numerical methods, optimization algorithms, and dynamic simulations to achieve accurate results or approximations.

John von Neumann

Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, and computer scientist. He made significant contributions to a wide range of fields, including mathematics, game theory, quantum mechanics, and computer science. He played a crucial role in the development of early digital computers and made pioneering contributions to the theory of dynamic simulations.

Joseph Smagorinsky

American meteorologist and fluid dynamicist. He is renowned for developing the "Smagorinsky subgrid-scale model," which advances turbulence modeling in computational fluid dynamics and weather prediction. His work revolutionized atmospheric science and numerical simulations.

Kinematic Viscosity

Fluid property that quantifies its resistance to flow and deformation due to internal friction. It is defined as the dynamic viscosity divided by the fluid's density.


Focuses on the study of motion, without considering the forces or causes behind that motion. It involves describing and analyzing the position, velocity, and acceleration of objects or particles without considering the forces that may be acting on them.

LU Decomposition

Numerical technique used to factorize a square matrix into the product of two triangular matrices: a lower triangular matrix (L) and an upper triangular matrix (U).

Laminar Flow

A smooth, ordered flow of fluid in parallel layers with little to no mixing between adjacent layers. It occurs at low velocities and low Reynolds numbers, and the fluid particles move in well-defined paths. Laminar flow is prevalent in small pipes, low-speed flows, and viscous fluids.

Leonhard Euler

Influential Swiss mathematician and physicist of the 18th century. He made significant contributions to various fields, including number theory, calculus, graph theory, and fluid dynamics. Euler's work laid the foundation for modern mathematics and his achievements continue to inspire generations of mathematicians and scientists.

Lewis Fry Richardson

British mathematician and meteorologist known for his pioneering work in numerical weather prediction and early contributions to computational modeling. He proposed methods for solving partial differential equations numerically and laid the foundation for modern weather forecasting and computational fluid dynamics.

Load Balancing

Distributing tasks across multiple resources, load balancing techniques ensure that each resource is optimally utilized.
Software Engineering


A programming construct that repeats a set of instructions until a certain condition is met.
Computer Science

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

Renowned U.S. research institution, founded during World War II as part of the Manhattan Project. It is located in Los Alamos, New Mexico. LANL conducts cutting-edge research in nuclear science, national security, computational modeling, materials science, and various scientific disciplines, contributing to advancements worldwide.

Low-Fidelity Simulation

A simplified simulation that sacrifices detail for efficiency and speed, suitable for preliminary analysis or quick assessments.

Machine Learning

Subset of AI that uses algorithms to enable computers to learn from data and improve their performance without explicit programming.
Computer Science


The ongoing process of updating, enhancing, and fixing issues in software after its initial release.
Software Engineering

Mathematical Models

Representations of real-world systems using mathematical equations. They describe system behaviors, interactions, and variables. These models are essential in dynamic simulations, enabling accurate predictions, analysis, and optimization of complex systems, ranging from physics and engineering to biology and economics.

Memory Management

The process of efficiently allocating and deallocating computer memory during simulation execution. It ensures optimal utilization of memory resources, minimizes memory leaks, and prevents memory-related errors.
Software Engineering


Network of interconnected points, lines, and faces that represent the shape and surface of an object or domain. It divides the computational domain into discrete elements for simulation. Meshes are crucial for numerical simulations, enabling accurate approximations of complex geometries and physical phenomena.

Michael Orszag and Gregory D. Patterson

Prominent researchers in the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). They made significant contributions to turbulence modeling and numerical methods, including their work on spectral methods and the development of efficient algorithms for simulating fluid flow and turbulence.

Model Calibration

The process of adjusting the simulation model's parameters to better match the real-world system's behavior and data.
Software Engineering

Model Reusability

Designing simulation models in a modular and flexible way, allowing them to be easily adapted and reused for different scenarios or applications
Software Engineering

Momentum Fluxes

The transfer of momentum across a surface or interface within a fluid or gas. They occur due to pressure and velocity variations and play a significant role in fluid dynamics, atmospheric science, and oceanography.

Mud Gel Strength

Measure of the viscosity and consistency of drilling mud, a specialized fluid used in drilling operations. It refers to the ability of the mud to maintain its structure and resist flow under applied stresses.

Multi-Body Dynamics

Branch of physics and engineering that studies the motion and interactions of multiple interconnected bodies. It involves analyzing the forces, torques, and accelerations between bodies in a system.

Multi-Phase Compressibility

The change in volume or density of a mixture containing multiple phases (such as gas-liquid or solid-liquid) in response to changes in pressure. It quantifies how the overall volume of the mixture changes when subjected to pressure variations.

Multi-Source Flows

Fluid or information flows in a system that originate from multiple sources or inputs. In the context of fluid dynamics, it can involve the merging or interaction of flows from various inlet points. In other applications, such as network communication or data processing, it relates to the convergence of data or information from different origins. Analyzing multi-source flows is essential for understanding complex systems and optimizing their performance.

Multi-Threading Relay Architecture

Design that uses multiple threads to handle data transmission and communication between different components or modules. Each thread operates independently and concurrently, enhancing system performance and responsiveness in scenarios with high data throughput or complex interactions. This architecture is commonly employed in network communication and parallel processing applications.

Multiphase Flow

Simultaneous movement of multiple phases, such as gas, liquid, and solid particles, within a fluid system. It occurs in various natural and industrial processes, like oil and gas transportation, combustion, and environmental studies. Understanding multiphase flow is vital for efficient design and optimization in diverse engineering applications.

Navier-Stokes equations

Fundamental partial differential equations in fluid dynamics. They describe the motion of a viscous fluid by considering the conservation of momentum and the effects of pressure and viscosity. These equations are used to simulate and analyze fluid flow behavior in various engineering, physics, and environmental applications.


Collection of interconnected computers or devices that can communicate and share resources.
Computer Science

Newton's Second Law of Motion

The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.

Numerical Simulation

Computational technique used to model and analyze real-world phenomena using numerical methods. It involves solving mathematical equations through discrete approximations, enabling dynamic simulations and providing insights into complex systems.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

A programming paradigm that uses objects to structure code, encapsulating data and behavior together.
Computer Science

Operating System

Software that manages computer hardware and provides services for computer programs to run.
Computer Science


Repetitive, back-and-forth motions around a central equilibrium position. They occur in various natural and engineered systems, like pendulums, vibrating strings, and electronic circuits. Oscillations are characterized by their amplitude, frequency, and period and are fundamental in understanding wave phenomena and dynamic behavior in numerous scientific disciplines.

Parabolic Flow Codes

Numerical methods used to solve parabolic partial differential equations that describe fluid flow phenomena. These codes are essential in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and are used to simulate steady or time-dependent flow problems, such as heat conduction, diffusion, and viscous flows.

Parallel Simulation

Utilizing multiple processors or computing resources to run simulations simultaneously, reducing simulation time and improving performance.
Software Engineering


Execution of multiple tasks simultaneously, taking advantage of multi-core processors. Parallel computing can significantly speed up computation for certain types of tasks.
Software Engineering

Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)

Mathematical equations that involve multiple independent variables and their partial derivatives. They describe various physical phenomena, such as heat transfer, fluid flow, and wave propagation. Solving PDEs is essential in fields like engineering, physics, and mathematics, enabling the understanding and prediction of complex dynamic systems.

Particle Slip Velocity

The difference in velocity between fluid particles and solid particles in a fluid-solid mixture. It occurs due to the relative motion or slip between the two phases.

Performant Simulation Models

Designed for high efficiency, rapid execution, and accurate results. They handle large datasets, enabling faster analysis, better decision-making, and improved overall simulation capabilities across various industries and research fields.

Peter Lax

Hungarian-American mathematician renowned for his contributions to partial differential equations, fluid dynamics, and numerical methods. He is known for his work on hyperbolic conservation laws and the Lax equivalence theorem. Lax's profound impact on mathematics earned him numerous awards and honors, including the Abel Prize in 2005.

Positive Feedback Loop

A self-reinforcing mechanism in a system where a change in one variable leads to a further increase in that variable. This creates a continuous cycle of amplification, driving the system further away from its initial state. Positive feedback loops can have both beneficial and detrimental effects, depending on the context
Software Engineering


Final phase in simulation or data analysis workflows. It involves analyzing and interpreting the results obtained from computational simulations or data processing. Post-processing tasks may include visualization, data extraction, statistical analysis, and generating plots or graphs to gain insights and draw conclusions from the simulation or analysis output.


Initial phase in simulation or data analysis workflows. It involves preparing and organizing input data or models to be used in a computational simulation or analysis. Pre-processing tasks may include data cleaning, data transformation, mesh generation (in finite element simulations), and defining boundary conditions. Effective pre-processing ensures accurate and efficient simulations or analyses.

Pressure Imbalance

An uneven distribution of pressure within a system or between two different areas. It occurs when there is a difference in pressure between the adjacent regions, leading to a net force pushing or pulling the fluid from one region to another.

Pressure Wave Propagation

Transmission of pressure disturbances or variations through a medium, such as air, water, or other fluids. When an initial pressure disturbance occurs, it travels outward in all directions, causing temporary increases and decreases in pressure as the wave propagates through the medium.

Profiling and Benchmarking

Profiling analyzes code execution to identify performance bottlenecks. Benchmarking compares different simulation implementations for efficiency. Both aid optimization, ensuring simulations run faster and consume fewer resources, enhancing overall performance and accuracy
Software Engineering

Programming Language

A formal language used to write computer programs, with specific syntax and semantics.
Computer Science

Quadratic Equations

Second-degree polynomial equations (ax^2 + bx + c = 0) with two possible solutions for "x," known as roots. They find applications in mathematics, physics, engineering, and science. The solutions can be real or complex numbers, determined by the discriminant (b^2 - 4ac).

Rapid Parameter Change Rate

Speed at which certain parameters or variables in a system undergo significant and abrupt changes over time. In various dynamic simulations and control systems, rapid parameter change rates can lead to challenges in stability, accuracy, and responsiveness, requiring careful consideration and appropriate strategies to handle such changes effectively.

Rapid Parameter Change Rate Conditions

Situations where the values of specific parameters in a system change quickly and significantly over a short period. These rapid changes can be induced by external factors, dynamic processes, or system inputs
Software Engineering

Rapid Signal Fluctuations

Quick and significant changes in the amplitude, frequency, or phase of a signal over a short period. These fluctuations can be caused by various factors, such as noise, interference, or abrupt changes in the underlying process or system.
Software Engineering

Real-Time Response Mechanism

System or process that provides immediate and instantaneous responses to input or events. It is designed to operate with minimal delay between receiving input and producing an output.
Software Engineering


A programming technique where a function calls itself to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller sub-problems.
Computer Science


The process of restructuring existing code to improve its readability, maintainability, and performance without changing its external behavior.
Software Engineering


A set of statements that describe the functions, features, and constraints of a software system, serving as the basis for its design and implementation.
Software Engineering

Reynolds Number

A dimensionless parameter used in fluid dynamics to predict flow regimes. It compares the inertial forces to the viscous forces in a fluid flow. Low Reynolds numbers indicate laminar flow, while high Reynolds numbers signify turbulent flow.

Scenario Analysis

Exploring different sets of input parameters or conditions in a simulation to study the impact on the system's behavior and outcomes.


A popular Agile framework that organizes work into time-boxed iterations called "sprints" and relies on cross-functional teams and daily stand-up meetings.
Software Engineering

Second-order parameters

Physical quantities in dynamic simulations or mathematical models that involve second derivatives with respect to time. These parameters describe the rate of change of primary variables, such as velocity, acceleration, or curvature, and are crucial for accurately representing complex dynamic behaviors in various scientific and engineering applications.

Second-order time effects

Phenomena in dynamic simulations where the acceleration or rate of change of variables is considered. These effects involve second derivatives with respect to time, impacting the behavior of systems and requiring advanced numerical techniques for accurate modeling and simulation in various scientific and engineering applications.

Sensitivity Analysis

Identifying the key input parameters that have the most significant impact on the simulation's results to understand the system's sensitivity to changes in those parameters.


The process of creating a computer-based model or representation of a real-world system or process to study its behavior, analyze its performance, or make predictions without physically executing the actual system.

Simulation Experiment

A structured process of designing, executing, and analyzing simulation runs to investigate specific research questions or hypotheses.

Simulation Software

A sophisticated tool that replicates real-world scenarios and processes. It uses algorithms to model dynamic interactions, simulate physical behaviors, and provide interactive experiences. This software is instrumental in training, research, and decision-making, offering valuable insights and analysis in various industries.

Sir George Stokes

Irish mathematician and physicist who made significant contributions to fluid dynamics, optics, and mathematical analysis. He formulated the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid flow, which have become fundamental in the study of fluid mechanics.

Software Architecture

The high-level structure and organization of a software system, defining its components, interactions, and design principles.
Software Engineering

Software Bug

An error, flaw, or fault in the software that causes it to behave unexpectedly or incorrectly.
Software Engineering

Software Development Environment

The tools, libraries, and frameworks used by developers to build and test software.
Software Engineering

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The series of phases that a software project goes through, from initiation to deployment and maintenance.
Software Engineering

Software Engine

A powerful program that drives virtual environments and experiences. It processes data, renders graphics, and simulates physics and interactions, providing a foundation for creating realistic and interactive simulations. The engine's capabilities significantly impact the quality and performance of virtual simulations.

Software Engineering

The application of systematic, disciplined, and quantifiable approaches to design, develop, test, and maintain software systems.
Software Engineering


Algorithms or methods that solve mathematical equations representing physical processes. They enable accurate and efficient computation of solutions, crucial for modeling and understanding complex systems. Types include finite element, finite difference, and iterative solvers, each tailored for specific problems and simulation needs.


A fixed period of time in Agile development during which a specific set of work items is completed.
Software Engineering

Steady State

The condition of a dynamic system where all variables, parameters, and outputs remain constant over time. In this state, the system's behavior does not change, and there are no significant fluctuations or variations.

Strain Displacement

Relationship between the deformation (strain) and displacement of material in a dynamic simulation. It quantifies the change in shape or size due to external forces and is crucial in stress analysis, structural mechanics, and computational modeling to accurately predict material behavior under different loading conditions.

Stress Analysis

Technique used in engineering and physics to analyze how forces and loads affect the structural integrity of materials and components. It involves calculating stresses, strains, and deformations to assess the performance and safety of structures, ensuring they can withstand various loads and conditions.

Successive Over-Relaxation

Iterative method to solve systems of linear equations. It speeds up the convergence rate compared to the Gauss-Seidel method by introducing an over-relaxation parameter.

Surface Tension

Property of a liquid that describes its tendency to minimize its surface area by forming a "skin" or "film" on its surface. It is caused by the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules, creating a force that acts tangentially along the surface.

System Testing

The testing of the entire software system as a whole to verify that it meets the specified requirements.
Software Engineering

System of Linear Equations

Set of multiple linear equations with the same variables. The goal is to find the values of these variables that satisfy all the equations simultaneously. It represents relationships between unknowns and is commonly solved using methods like matrix algebra or Gaussian elimination to determine the unique solution, no solution, or infinitely many solutions.

Systematic Performance Evaluations

Comprehensive and methodical assessments of a system's performance. It involves conducting structured tests and measurements to analyze various aspects, such as speed, accuracy, reliability, efficiency, and resource usage.
Software Engineering


The process of verifying and validating the software to ensure that it meets the specified requirements and functions as intended.
Software Engineering


The study of heat, energy, and their transformations within systems. It encompasses principles governing temperature, pressure, volume, and energy transfer, focusing on the behavior of matter and energy.

Transient Regime

The transitional phase in a dynamic system when it moves from one steady state to another. During this time, the system's parameters, variables, or outputs are changing with time until they stabilize at a new equilibrium or steady state.

Trapped Gas

Gas bubbles or pockets that become confined or enclosed within a liquid or solid material. These gas inclusions can form during manufacturing processes, such as casting or molding, or in natural geological formations.

Tridiagonal Algorithm (TDMA)

Also known as the Thomas Algorithm, is an efficient numerical method for solving a system of linear equations with a tridiagonal coefficient matrix. TDMA reduces the computational complexity to O(n), making it ideal for solving large systems of equations in engineering, physics, and numerical simulations.


Complex and chaotic flow phenomenon characterized by irregular and unpredictable fluid motion. It involves swirling vortices, eddies, and rapid fluctuations in velocity and pressure. Turbulence is ubiquitous in nature and has significant effects in various fields, such as fluid dynamics, meteorology, and engineering.

Unit Testing

The testing of individual units or components of software to ensure they function correctly in isolation.
Software Engineering

User Experience (UX)

The overall experience of a user while interacting with a software or a website, including usability and satisfaction.
Computer Science

User Interface (UI)

The visual and interactive part of software that allows users to interact with the program.
Computer Science

User Story

A brief description of a software feature from an end-user perspective, often used in Agile development as a unit of work.
Software Engineering


The process of comparing the simulation model's output with real-world data to ensure the model accurately represents the system it intends to simulate.


Named memory location used to store data that can be changed during the program's execution.
Computer Science


Vectorized operations and SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) instructions to process multiple data elements at once, maximizing processor capabilities and reducing computational overhead.
Software Engineering


The rate of an object's displacement over time in a specific direction. It is a vector quantity, combining both magnitude and direction, and is commonly used to describe the speed and direction of motion in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields.


The process of assessing the correctness of the simulation model's implementation, ensuring it behaves as intended and aligns with the specifications.

Version Control

The management of changes to documents or software code over time to track and coordinate revisions.
Computer Science


Measure of a fluid's resistance to flow or internal friction. It quantifies how easily a fluid deforms under shear stress. High viscosity fluids resist flow, while low viscosity fluids flow more readily. Viscosity plays a crucial role in fluid dynamics, lubrication, and various industrial processes.


The representation of simulation output using graphs, charts, animations, or other visual aids to interpret and communicate the simulation results effectively.

Von Neumann architecture

Computer design model introduced by John von Neumann in the 1940s. It consists of a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output devices, and a bus system. Instructions and data are stored in the same memory, and the CPU fetches and executes instructions sequentially, forming the basis of modern computers.


Concept in fluid dynamics that describes the local rotation or spinning of fluid particles in a flow field. It is a vector quantity perpendicular to the plane of rotation, with its magnitude indicating the strength of the rotation.

Waterfall Model

A traditional software development model where each phase of the development process is completed before moving to the next.
Software Engineering